The lack of updates from Palestinian journalist Bisan, who is capturing life in Gaza during Israeli counterattacks, has alarmed online users.

Prior to October 7, the Instagram account @wizard_bisan1 belonged to a young journalist from Gaza who showcased Palestinian culture, uploaded films of her struggles in daily life, and wrote about her love of travel and life. On October 8, though, she uploaded a depressing set of movies with slides that had white lettering on a black background. This marked a significant change in tone.

She emphasized the real effects of experiencing the conflict in Gaza in her posts by sharing personal stories that go beyond what is reported in the media. She told of waking up to the scent of explosives and dirt all around, as well as dust from bombings all over her face, body, and eyes. She emphasized the need to sleep in your shoes and complete clothes in order to save time in the event of a bombing since even a few seconds can change someone’s destiny.

The situation worsened on October 13. Using screenshots of congested streets and evacuation signs as background, Bisan begged for assistance, stating that her lack of internet access prevented her from publishing videos. She disclosed living on the streets with her family while they searched for a safe haven. She emphasized the difficult circumstances, pointing out that the area designated for humanitarian assistance was near the Egyptian border and drawing comparisons to a second NAKBA.

With the emergence of hurdles to media coverage, accounts such as @wizard_bisan1 have become indispensable for anyone looking for firsthand knowledge about Gaza. Bisan’s reporting is even more important now that META has banned pro-Palestinian Instagram accounts and the US is forcing Al Jazeera to scale up its coverage. Her reporting is made even more challenging by the already spotty internet access in the bombed-out neighborhood.

Greetings to all, Bisan always starts her videos with the same greeting: This is Gazan Bisan. I’m still here. She overcomes obstacles and uses generator power to charge her phone, but there’s always a nagging worry that they’ll run out of gas one day.

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